How to set the proper GMT Offset

How to set the proper GMT Offset

Such parameter as GMT offset (or the deviation from GMT) takes place in many Forex advisors. An EA is interested in how much the terminal time is different from GMT. Many people make a mistake of thinking that this parameter depends on where they live.


GMT Offset doesn’t depend on where you live: in Kyiv or in Zimbabwe. We are interested only in the time of the trading server and GMT.

Here is an instruction for determining the deviation from GMT:

  1. Look at the clock in MetaTrader (at the upper left in the Market Review window)

Look at the clock in MetaTrader (at the upper left in the Market Review window)

  1. Go to the website:
  1. Click on the Greenwich Mean Time link.

Click on the Greenwich Mean Time link.

  1. Compare GMT with the time in Metatrader.

Our required parameter will be a difference between our terminal time and Greenwich Mean Time.


The terminal time is 13:00, and GMT is 11:00.

So GMT offset (the deviation) is 2.

Nothing more. As you can see, it’s very, very simple to identify GMT Offset. Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours, Pavel Vlasov


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